Parent Coaching

Empowering parents to build stronger connections, foster positive communication, and navigate challenges with confidence through personalized coaching and support.

  • Trauma-Informed/Conscious Parenting

    Parents with unhealed trauma may view certain struggles in a different manner. Often times this may manifest in extreme over protection, withdrawal and generalized fear and anxiety.

    Sometimes we need an objective person in our corner who listens and provides a safe space for reflection as well as the self care tools to heal so that your child gets the best version of you.

  • Positive Discipline

    “Where did we ever get the crazy idea that in order to make children do better, we have to make them feel worse? Children do better when they feel better.” -Jane Nelsen author of Positive Discipline Series.

    Discipline and punishment are two completely different things. Discipline is when an undesired behavior is corrected in a manner that allows the child to learn from their mistakes. Punishment is making the child suffer for their mistakes. It is the difference between “I made a bad choice.” and “ I’m a bad child.”

    From creating routines to reframing language, I will help you restore peace to your discipline while empowering and nurturing your child’s natural inclination toward freedom and exploration.

  • Communication and Relationships

    It’s not uncommon to have communication struggles with your little one, especially from Birth to age 5 when their expressive communication skills are emergent.

    Together, we will learn how your child communicates in relation to their development. In addition, we will explore temperament, behavior functions and love languages. These tools along with your intuition. while give you the insight needed to foster communication where both parent and child feel seen and heard.

  • Early Learning and Child Development

    Did you know that “newborns can distinguish among the sounds of all the world’s languages, but by six months they lose the ability.”? Infants begin focusing in the sounds they hear most often, usually from the mother (hence to term, mother tongue) and this is the beginning of how language develops.

    We know that children come into the world with a natural inclination towards learning. Children are born scientists, mathematicians, authors, artists, writers, singer, dancers, and more.

    Parents often wonder how to nurture this innate ability to learn without pressure. You may ask yourself, “How can I make sure that my child grows into lifelong learner?”

    Learning is about uncovering what is already known. You and I will work together to design activities and experiences that are aligned to your child’s development and their blossoming interests. Play is the work of the child and together we will create a magical and joyful learning environment.

Let’s work together